The Perfect Husband–The Lord

In this week’s devotional from J.Parker’s book, Intimacy Revealed: 52 Devotions to Enhance Sex in Marriage, she talks about the Lord being the perfect  husband for us wives.

“The Lord declares His intimate love by saying He will take us as His wife forever–in righteousness, in justice, in steadfast love, in mercy, in faithfulness.” (Parker, 64).

God chose this analogy of husband and wife so that we can better understand Him and our marriage.  He desires intimacy in us and we should do the same for him. Our marriage paints a really good picture of covenant love now, much better than we were first married. Our sexual intimacy can mirror the intimacy God desires to have with us. I do now approach the marital bed with the godly virtues of righteousness, justice, steadfast love, mercy and faithfulness. I have been doing that for the last three years as our marriage has turned around for the good and better and centering around Christ.

We are to know the Lord as we are to know our spouses. The way we are to react to God is the same way that we need to be with our spouses. Our relationship has to be as beautiful and holy and God is part of us and our marriage.

We’ve been together for the last 15 years, married for nearly 10 years and our sexual intimacy continues to improve and I know it will continue to rise up as we journey more of our life together in Christ.

About jewellove30

Married since 2006, in love since 2001. Have three boys and two angel babies.
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